Tens of thousands take steps towards abolishing modern slavery

Walk for Freedom 2018: Global Recap video: https://vimeo.com/296683078
In 2018, tens of thousands of people around the world came together to fight human trafficking. A21, a nonprofit organization dedicated to abolishing modern-day slavery, organized the “Walk for Freedom” in more than 50 countries. CNN created a recap video of the more than 450 walks that A21 organized this past year.
According to A21’s website, “slavery is the fastest growing organized crime in the world.” A21’s mission is to reach, rescue and restore human trafficking victims, and the “Walk for Freedom” marches it organizes is one way the organization works to spread awareness about human trafficking one step at a time.
Christine Caine, an Australian religious influencer, co-founded A21 with her husband in 2008. She travels the world to not only talk about her religious beliefs, but also to fight the horrors of modern-day slavery through her nonprofit A21. Even though human trafficking is a worldwide problem in the 21st century, many people do not know about it or lack the training to recognize it in their own surroundings.
“It’s one step, one person. We believe that one step can make a difference, and all of our steps combined can actually make a thunder that is a roar that will help to awaken people,” said Caine in the CNN video.
Many organizations around the world are working towards the UN’s sustainable development goal to end modern slavery. That is why the G20 Interfaith Forum continues to emphasize and discuss actions that faith-based organizations and others can take to work toward this goal.
According to the policy brief titled, “Action to Eradicate Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour in Our Generation” written by the G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Slavery, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour Taskforce in 2018, “Modern slavery describes slavery and slavery-like practices including forced labour, child labour and human trafficking. Over 40 million people around the world are trapped in modern slavery; 10 million of them children.”
The 2019 G20 Interfaith Forum in Japan will build upon the discussions that happened in last year’s forum regarding the the issues of human trafficking and modern slavery. A session will focus on religious action to address the challenge.
“Everyone is just doing their part, and if we all do our part, then together I think we can really help to abolish slavery, everywhere,” said Caine in the CNN video.
Watch the CNN video here.