September 21 Newsletter 2022
International Day of Peace
Today, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. As the G20 Interfaith Forum, we also applaud the theme for this year’s celebration which is to end racism and build peace. We celebrate those organizations which have these same goals. As an organization, we wholly support the United Nations’ goal of creating a world in which people are treated equally.
G20 Interfaith Forum Communique
The extraordinary, interlinked challenges that face world leaders and citizens today, a “polycrisis” indeed, affects one and all, everywhere. The central COVID-19 insights are that humanity and planet share common, inextricably linked challenges, but with profoundly unequal effects. The north star and compass that orient and guide multireligious communities point to wards a sharp focus on those who are most vulnerable, that are left behind. In responding to today’s crises, we must address the grave inequalities that drive humanitarian pain, the plight of so many children, and groups facing discrimination and disadvantage. G20 leaders meeting in Bali in November, 2022, can bring hope and inspiration if they heed this call.
G20 Interfaith Forum Anti-Racism London Conversation
Baroness Manzilla Pola Khan Uddin